FOHOW Xue qing Capsule improves the elasticity of the blood vessel.
It softens the blood vessel : Contains antioxidant, which is 50 times stronger than vitamin E, and 20 times more than vitamin C.
It is also a very powerful and efficient scavenging agent of free radical and can prevent more than 70 kinds of diseases.
FOHOW Blood Cleaner can reduce brittleness and restore the flexibility of vessels.
Grape pip extract is the richest in natural bio-flavonoids (such as proantocianids and catechins) and a source of irreplaceable fatty acids and vitamins.
• It prevents cirrhosis. Has liver and neuro-protective effect.
• Reduces high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high sugar.
• Increases the bone density; reduces joint pains, reduces joint and muscle pains.
• Anti-aging effect.
• Anti-thrombotic effect.
• Quencetin is able to suppress carcinogens. It has antibacterial, anti fungal and antivirus effect.
• Gynostemma also acts as an immunomodulator and an adaptogen. It’s a strong anti-oxidant too.
• Improves Climacteric syndrome
• Destroys fibrin covering around cancer cells; this allows cancer cells killers such as Natural killer cells to recognize and eliminate cancer cells.